Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eurotrip Travelogues – Week 2

This second week was full of bloopers! It started with a trip to Paris on Sunday. We took an early train to Paris East station and a metro from there to visit the Notre Dame cathedral. (Fortunately for us, we found out that ‘youths’ could travel in Paris on Sundays at discounted rates!) The Notre Dame looked brilliant on a cloudy backdrop. Since the entrance was free there was a long queue. But first we went to a nearby Subway and treated us to some amazingly tasty chicken subs! :)

Then we went inside Notre Dame (but not to the top as that would have cost 6 euro!) It was tall, dark & beautiful. Hundreds of candles dimly lit the silence. Big paintings adorned the walls below the large coloured glass windows. I am guessing we would see a lot like this in our trip but the first time has its own memories. Anyways, when we came out the cathedral we found two of us missing. After a long time of searching we found them and decided to have a meeting point wherever we go (the idea never materialised though!)

Next we went to the legendary Eiffel Tower. Though it was supposedly called an eye sore and waste of money historically, we found it pretty grand! There were many queues there, some for elevator and some for stairs. We decided to do it the harder way (and cheaper). There were 700 steps to Level II and as we went up it kept getting chillier and windier. Both Levels I & II were quite high up and presented wonderful platforms to see the beauty of Paris from all directions. So I took out my Nikon D3100 and started clicking frantically. :D After an hour and half of sightseeing we came down and started taking pictures of Eiffel from outside. There were many Indians there illegally selling little Eiffel key rings.

Anyways, now comes the part where I made my biggest mistake in last god-knows-how-many-years. I was posing for pictures (like boxing, kicking, holding the Eiffel) and decided to do in-the-air pose. I found a small railing made of blunt but arrow shaped iron rods and foolishly decided to jump from there. What happened is history! :P The iron rod pierced my shoe (Am gonna sue Nike!) and made a big bloody hole in my foot potentially compromising my whole trip! :( It was time to catch train back to Reims, so I limped all the way back to the Paris East station and asked for medical help there. The info lady almost fainted seeing the blood and immediately called for medical men (tattooed and dressed in orange) who applied first-aid and advised me to seek help at Reims. I thought of ignoring the advice and went back to Reims.

On Monday morning the pain had increased. I still managed to limp my way to the class. I read in wiki that eminent people have died because of infections from foot injuries and that changed my mind. Returning back to my hostel I asked the receptionist on medical facilities here and was duly advised on taking a cab to Emergency unit since all hospitals were closed by then. So I did that – a very good decision in retrospect! I got bandaged properly, given a tetanus vaccine to last 10 years, prescriptions on antibiotics and got some sterile cottons from a young doctor (giggling at his own English). And the best part is – wait for it – EVERYTHING WAS FREE! I really commend the healthcare system they have setup here! :)

So I had to manage whole week with an injured foot, burnt fingers (from the microwave grills), painful hand (from injection) and weak body (from antibiotics). But I was in good spirits. I attended all classes, got ‘+’ in presentations, went to open a bank account (because they give away around $30 for free to students!) and even made a weekend trip to Normandy beach! \m/

Normandy trip started with us going to a wrong station and missing the train! :\ Somehow we managed to reach the beach (4 hours late!) Then we found out that there were 2 major issues with the Le Huvre beach – families & pebbles! But it was a nice evening spent with me sun-bathing and others sea-bathing. And the fact that two young ladies decided to change in front of us made the day! ;) We tried to catch train back to Paris but missed that too! (I ran hobbling with my injured foot for 30 mins!!) :( We spent Saturday night in a hotel there and set off the next morning to the Paris flea market. Paris flea market was cheap and hence crowded. Lot of Gujjus were selling stuff there. I bought a French cap, gloves, jacket and passport wallet at good bargains. Finally, we went back to Reims tired and happy. :)

So, this week it was both pleasure and pain. But my health is improving with each passing day and I am eagerly waiting for the real Eurotrip to start next Friday where we embark on a tour of 6-7 countries! :D

1 comment:

  1. Now why is interval had to come in between !! This is really pissing me off !! :(
    By the way, your Eurotrip Travelogues blogs are not lesser than any entertaining movies..so by the time you play Eurotrip Travelogues part-3, let me go and get some pop corns, snacks and cold drink to enjoy it with..
    Eagerly waiting to read the real "Eurotrip Travelogues part-3". :) :)
